Monday 17 December 2012

My Development!

My Development!
I have researched two artists, they are 'Stik' and 'Return to Fleet', and I will include these in my final poster to add effect and make it  better than it originally going to be. I have also researched the different images to see how they actually do the images.

My Idea Progress!

My Idea Progress!
In my initial idea I had the minors as normal people but I've developed it to look like the people from the artist 'Stik'. I have done this so I use one of my artists in my final poster and I will  draw them myself using the Graphics's Tablet. It should look good. I also have used my other artist to make the frenchgate look very animated.

Thursday 13 December 2012

My Homework...

My Homework
The five images that I will take next lesson are:
-A pair of trainers
-My pencil case
-My P.E kit
-My Planner
-My Bag