Monday 17 December 2012

My Development!

My Development!
I have researched two artists, they are 'Stik' and 'Return to Fleet', and I will include these in my final poster to add effect and make it  better than it originally going to be. I have also researched the different images to see how they actually do the images.

My Idea Progress!

My Idea Progress!
In my initial idea I had the minors as normal people but I've developed it to look like the people from the artist 'Stik'. I have done this so I use one of my artists in my final poster and I will  draw them myself using the Graphics's Tablet. It should look good. I also have used my other artist to make the frenchgate look very animated.

Thursday 13 December 2012

My Homework...

My Homework
The five images that I will take next lesson are:
-A pair of trainers
-My pencil case
-My P.E kit
-My Planner
-My Bag

Monday 26 November 2012

My 4 Mini Projects...

My 4 mini projects...
In the last couple of weeks I have been chosen 4 different mini projects to do and these must be linked to my artist's Stik and Return to fleet. In my first mini project I got a image of the Flying Scotsman and a image of a Stik drawing. I had to draw on Stik drawing myself, when I used my mouse it didn't work properly so the solve this problem I used the Graphics Tablet. Using this it worked and I draw my Stik person sat next to the real one. 
In my second mini project I got a image of the Frenchgate and using the filter gallery I changed it to look like the graffiti from Return To Fleet and then I coloured the sky in green and I put in a cloud and a sun.
For my third mini project I got a picture of me and I split it into four and I used different styles of graffiti. It looked quite good but it was quite hard choosing the right ones so I got my partner to help.  
For my last mini project I got a image of the countryside and a image of a toy flying Scotsman and I used the Graffic's Tablet to draw railway tracks to fit with the train.  I also put in purple grass for effect and I used Glowing Edges to the house to add effect at the op of the picture.
These four mini projects are what I have been lately and I think they look really good and I have used my different graffiti artist in my work.

Friday 9 November 2012

My Second Artist...

My Second Artist...
My second artist are 'Return To Fleet' and they do the type of Graffiti art called 'Geekfiti Street Art'. I like this artist because they show unrealistic images look real, for example theres Yoda and Hulk. This type of graffiti would be good in my design because I could use the graffiti on the different industries on the train, or the train its self.
Geek Street Art Graffiti Return To Fleet Smug 9

Monday 5 November 2012

Refining Ideas...

My Effect Ideas
I collected an image on the Flying Scotsman and I used the Ruler tool to turn make it into to quarters. First I used the Neon Glow to show the train the most important on the screen, I basically made it violet. Secondly I used the stain glass effect to show that the different areas made from glass and colour and I thought it look nice for the train. Next I used the Chalk and Charcoal so the image look old fashioned. It came to good effect. Finally I used the Sprayed Strokes so it looked like its moving quite fast. In my final design I may use Neon Glow for the different industries and the Stain Glass for the train. In the end I think it will look really good.

Thursday 25 October 2012

What have I done recently?

What have I done recently?
In the last couple of lessons I have used coloured chalk to draw some of my images. First I used an miner image to colour around with pink chalk but the problem was I had no detail so I did another one with the white bits in the middle cut out and you could see the arm and pick-axe in his hand so I was proud of that! I have done all this because it may help with my final design and its one idea to use in my final design.

Monday 8 October 2012

My Graffiti Artist!

My Graffiti Artist will be Stik.
Stik is a British graffiti artist based in London.
Stik paints stick figure-like people as street art. He has worked in the northeast London area of Hackney, especially in Shoreditch. He paints un-authorised work aswell as authorised work. In 2011 he had his own solo gallery in the London West End.  His featured painting was the 'Old Master' in his own painting. 

My little change in my idea...

My Change...
I have decided to change my idea slightly. I am going to have my idea as a graffiti piece. I was going to get a couple of pictures and carry on from there and now I have my full idea. My chosen Graffiti Artist will be Stik...

Friday 21 September 2012

My poster starting point...

My starting point...

My starting point will be the background. This will be the clouds and the title. Due to the train being the main thing in the poster, I will leave that to later. So I will focus on the rural side of my poster.

Monday 10 September 2012

Party Boy...

The only fliter I used was cloud because it gives a mixed colour  and a good affect to this person.

My First Blog

Im going to refine this image by adding filters.