Monday 26 November 2012

My 4 Mini Projects...

My 4 mini projects...
In the last couple of weeks I have been chosen 4 different mini projects to do and these must be linked to my artist's Stik and Return to fleet. In my first mini project I got a image of the Flying Scotsman and a image of a Stik drawing. I had to draw on Stik drawing myself, when I used my mouse it didn't work properly so the solve this problem I used the Graphics Tablet. Using this it worked and I draw my Stik person sat next to the real one. 
In my second mini project I got a image of the Frenchgate and using the filter gallery I changed it to look like the graffiti from Return To Fleet and then I coloured the sky in green and I put in a cloud and a sun.
For my third mini project I got a picture of me and I split it into four and I used different styles of graffiti. It looked quite good but it was quite hard choosing the right ones so I got my partner to help.  
For my last mini project I got a image of the countryside and a image of a toy flying Scotsman and I used the Graffic's Tablet to draw railway tracks to fit with the train.  I also put in purple grass for effect and I used Glowing Edges to the house to add effect at the op of the picture.
These four mini projects are what I have been lately and I think they look really good and I have used my different graffiti artist in my work.

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